Are you ready for a smile makeover?
If you have chipped, stained or ill-fitting dentures, it’s time for a smile makeover!
At The Tooth Shoppe, denturist Fernando Crupi specializes in removable partial, full and implant-retained dentures and his patients’ smile transformations can range anywhere from the subtle to the extreme. Fernando also provides all denture services including implant dentures and permanent teeth!
“Some of my patients are only looking for a slight change, while others want to dramatically alter their appearance,” says Fernando. “If it’s been a while since you replaced your dentures, you may have a sunken appearance around the mouth and your teeth may barely show when you smile.” A new set of dentures, customized to your exact specifications, will have you smiling with confidence. Replacing your old dentures may also provide relief from symptoms such as headaches, earaches, neck pain and joint problems, all caused by the laborious chewing and difficult digestion due to worn-out back teeth.
While many people with stained or chipped dentures are happy to replace them with a new and improved ‘movie star’ smile, Fernando has noticed that an increasing number of his patients are asking for a more natural look. “For some, a perfect smile means a slight imperfection here and there…so that their dentures look more like their natural teeth once did.” To book a free, no-obligation consultation, call The Tooth Shoppe at 905-471-3381; located at 5990 16th Ave. at Hwy #48 in Markham (beside Global Pet Foods.)